Final choices

Base Rails


Oval or Square? These are the 2 most popular styles of base rails available. Oval is the more traditional look. The square D30 is a new release & gives a more modern look. We can match the base rail colour to your fabric selection for you, or you can choose from the following choices...

Chain drive or Motorisation


You have 2 options when it comes to operating your blinds. The most cost effective of the 2 is chain operation and our blinds come fitted with chrome chains & bracket covers as standard. Motorisation is also available & hard wiring is required at an additional expense to you. Our Automate motors are supplied with Molex cables, making installation a breeze. Operation by remote makes raising and lowering your blinds 'child's play' without the worry of chains.


Brackets & Links if required


The final choice is your style of bracket. If you are going for just one blind per window then single brackets will be supplied. If 2 blinds are to be fitted on the same window, in the same position, then a double bracket system will be required. To avoid a double bracket we recommend fitting your screens into the reveal of the window & block outs on the architrave. Please head to The perfect fit for more information.


Easy Links


If your windows are over 3010mm wide then 2 or more blinds will be required to cover the width of the window. Please remember that if you choose 3 or more blinds to cover a large window, the chains to all blinds must be attached to the window frame with the approved child safety devices provided with your blinds. To avoid multiple chains, blinds can be linked together with the addition of an easy link. This essentially joins up to 3 blinds together and they are all operated off the one chain.

Standard inclusions


All blinds ordered over a designated size will come fitted as standard with a spring assist mechanism. This is attached to the chain drive mechanism within the tubing (not visible) to aid raising & lowering your blinds. All face fit single blinds will come with bracket covers as standard, unless pelmets are ordered. We do all we can to make your new blinds operate & look at their best! Chain length will come as per table below unless otherwise specified. Remember if your window is small in drop, but high on the wall you might need to specify a longer chain!